When you lose, you lose a very specific strength

When you win, you gain a specific strength. The same is true for the other three types of strength.

When you lose, you lose a specific strength, when you win, you gain a specific strength. The first three basic types of strength are all muscle: the muscles of your body—chest, back, shoulders, abs, legs, etc. They are all about the muscles you have. That's important to keep in mind when you think about training. If you are working on your arms, why would you want to do a chest or back exercise? You will only strengthen your arms if you do exercises that work the muscles you already have. The remaining two types of strength are all cardiovascular: the heart and lungs. They are all about the heart and lungs.

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The heart is your body's pump, the center of your life force. It is your internal engine. When you develop your heart, you develop a life force on a cellular level. Your muscles become stronger because they are no longer dependent on your heart. When your heart stops, your cells stop working, which means your muscles are stronger than they would be without the heart pumping them. The lungs are your life force, too. You live in your lungs, and when they fail—the oxygen does not get to your cells properly—then you die. The fact that the heart and the lungs work the most is very important: they work _all_ the time. They are life-giving and life-giving all the time. The other two types of training that you need to know about are aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic training builds strength and endurance—your cardiovascular power.

Anaerobic training

Aerobic training is a combination of your body's blood sugar supply and your brain's ability to supply electrical energy. You are born with both—the one you need from your body's blood sugar and another that your brain supplies. The brain provides you with the fuel for your muscles, while the body provides the electrical energy that keeps your brain alive. Anaerobic training builds strength and speed. Your muscles use their own power to do the work. When you run or bike fast, your body is not dependent on the heart or the muscles to deliver oxygen and nutrients to your blood. Your heart and lungs do the work the rest of the time when your brain thinks.