How to do proper single arm push-ups

Left hand on the floor, keeping the elbow bent, place your right hand on your back. The rest is as follows:

With your right palm down and the forearm straight bring the left hand close to your body, palm facing your right. Bring the hand as high as you can without falling. Keeping your head facing forward bend the elbow at the wrist. Inhale as you lower the arm to the height of the left thigh.

pushing up

Exhale as you straighten the arm. If you are able to, rest your chin on the bent elbow as you inhale. When you come to a comfortable level, inhale again. Exhale as you lift the arm. Return to the start position. Inhale as you return to the start position. Exhale as you drop the arm and return to the starting position. Repeat this 8 to 12 times. The goal of this training routine is to develop the strength in the upper back, chest, and abdomen. Standing forward bend, begin on hands and knees. Turn 90 degrees to face the sky and place your hands across your abdomen.

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Keeping your hands across, bend your knees and, with your legs on the ground, bend backward, bringing your legs up to the sky. You can either place your hands on your buttocks or cross your arms over the chest. Hold for 2 to 4 breaths. 6. Roll to your side, bending your knees just enough to come back to the starting position. Repeat the standing forward bend for 3 to 4 times. Once you have mastered this exercise, move on to the next exercise. Begin on hands and knees. Bend your knees (only slightly) and straighten the left leg. Maintaining your knees on the ground, lift your left leg and pull it toward your chest. Finish this session with a jump rope exercise cool-down.